
成为自动化技术的下一个发明者. Join 正规的赌博app at the forefront of the automotive industry and help mobilize the future.


想要帮助推动交通的未来? 探索这些汽车工程项目.

自动驾驶汽车和送货车辆. 无人驾驶飞机. 智能驾驶功能. Even just a few years ago, these capabilities were unrealistic, if not unimaginable. But to inventors and visionaries, these weren’t just possibilities—they were the next reality.

如果在新能源领域工作, 工程用户界面, or developing the next solar-powered bike or electric motorcycle sound exciting to you, 与高级流动性相关的学位可以帮助你实现你的愿景.






“先进的移动” is a broad term encompassing how we power—and improve—transportation. 先进的移动 includes everything from self-driving vehicles to software programs that improve battery life for electric cars. They can also refer to lightweight and anticorrosive nanotechnological materials used to make vehicles faster and more efficient. 先进交通甚至可以包括减少交通拥堵的措施, such as AI systems that help traffic operators improve the timing of traffic signals.



We’ve witnessed a rush of autonomous and electric vehicles hitting the market in just the past few years, 从自动驾驶汽车到电动滑板车. 创新带来了一些结果 2000亿美元 投资于这个行业, making advanced mobility one of the fastest-growing fields—and an area of great opportunity for the next generation of engineers. 如果你对电气感兴趣的话, 自动驾驶或特种车辆, 这些领域的职业可能会增长.


职业机会之外, studying advanced mobility can help you invent new products and engineer features that help address safety, 可持续发展和经济问题. Whether you want to build a new vehicle from the ground up or identify ways to make the technology we rely on every day even better, 学习先进的移动工程可以帮助你实现这一目标.


交通运输的未来充满了可能性, 尤其是对发明家和对人工智能感兴趣的人, 特种车辆工程和智能移动. The Michigan Mobility Institute estimates that the United States will need 45,在未来十年内,我们将需要1万名新的移动工程师. 仅密歇根州就需要1.2万名新的移动工程师.



帮助确保下一代电动汽车既安全又实用. Mobility systems engineers work in multi-dimensional roles that could include research, 设计, technical mentorship and performance testing for new vehicles and features such as braking systems, 速度传感器和网络连接.


Take autonomous vehicles to the next level by improving AI and enabling self-driving cars to make decisions in their environments. 在他们众多的责任中, 机器学习工程师使用来自激光雷达的数据, 全球定位系统(GPS), 摄像头系统和传感器为自动驾驶汽车开发算法


Design, create and test out automated cars, trucks, delivery vehicles and even trains. 机器人工程师将机械, computer and electrical engineering to build vehicles with new—and more human—capabilities.




自主学习, electric and other specialty vehicle engineering hands-on in our state-of-the-art labs. Kettering developed these learning facilities to help faculty and students discover solutions for the future of smart mobility transportation.



和你的同学一起设计自动驾驶或电动汽车. You can enter competitions from General Motors and other leading companies to see how your inventions match up against those of students at other universities.



在凯特林, we not only teach and research the 设计 of autonomous and electric vehicles; we also seek ways to improve human interaction with these vehicles.

在我们的实验室里, you’ll focus on advances in automated driving and multimodal user interface 设计s—and you’ll learn to evaluate how humans and systems interact.




正规的赌博app计算机科学副教授. 王云生(音译)正努力使驾驶更安全.

CNXMotion Hosts Its Technology Ride and Drive Event at Kettering’s GM 流动性研究中心

The track at the 正规的赌博app GM 流动性研究中心 (MRC) is getting a lot of action. Grand Blanc-based CNXMotion used the facility to show off its latest motion control technologies to invited guests, including partner companies — Continental Automotive and Nexteer Automotive — potential customers, 政府官员和战略合作伙伴.

通用汽车的特色 & 2022年的电动悍马

迈克·科尔维尔(2000年, EE), one of GM's leading performance engineers more commonly known as the “features dude,” discusses the development of one of the most audacious road vehicles ever developed, 通用汽车2022年推出的电动悍马. Colville also addresses the extreme off-road career where he gained his skills.

正规的赌博app Professor, Grad Students Test Automatic Emergency Brake Systems

助理教授. Ahmed Mekky and his team of graduate students are discovering the limitations of vehicles’ automatic emergency braking systems to help owners better understand their vehicles.


克里斯汀·潘科(16届, EE/ME) wanted a job that allowed her to apply her technical skills to serve the needs of others. 她在通用汽车公司找到了那份工作.

正规的赌博app AutoDrive Team, Advisor Take 首页 Awards in First Year of Challenge

正规的赌博app自动驾驶团队, 斗牛犬螺栓, brought home more awards after wrapping up Year One of the AutoDrive II Challenge at MCity in Ann Arbor. The team placed second in the Dynamic Obstacle Challenge, and the team’s faculty advisor, Dr. 戴安·彼得斯(Diane Peters)获得了首届年度顾问奖.


The KU Bulldog Intelligent Ground Vehicle (IGVC) Competition Team turned in a "great performance" in just its second year participating in the four-day IGVC event at Oakland University. 该队在自动驾驶挑战赛中获得第二名, 赢得了莱斯科奖杯的大奖, 自驾设计大赛第四名.


Sixty-five middle and high school teams competed at Square One Education Network’s 15th Annual Innovative Vehicle Design (IVD) Challenge at the 正规的赌博app GM 流动性研究中心 (MRC).


Request information about the programs that interest you or apply to an advanced mobility degree program today.